Succulents have become one of the most popular types of plant that we sell because of their easy care. A few varieties will live outdoors year-round, but many will need to be houseplants in the winter. They typically need a fair amount of light and will not survive over-watering. Ask us about specific care instructions.
Tillandsias (air plants) also fall into the succulent category, but do not need soil. They do, however, need to be watered at least weekly.
Tropical Plants and Houseplants
We bring in several loads of tropical flowering and foliage plants from Florida every year. Tropical flowers add a great splash of color with blooms that frequently last all summer long. Foliage plants can often be brought indoors and treated as a houseplant. Because they are not natives here, some will need a little extra attention. Flowering tropicals generally need regular and frequent fertilization. We will be happy to show you how to keep them beautiful!
Vegetables and Herbs
All our vegetables and most of our herbs are grown on our family farm. We have a terrific selection of different varieties including many heirlooms as well as the most popular new types. There are a few important “tricks” to having a successful garden, so please ask us if you have questions. We can also guide you toward the appropriate treatments for any insect or disease problems you encounter.
Mums and Poinsettias

If you are doing a fundraiser for your school or group, please contact the farm at about using our Mums and Poinsettias. Most people are much more excited about buying plants than they are about buying more wrapping paper or cookie dough!